authors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal experts in the same field.

5 Pillars of Responsible Generative AI: A Code of Ethics for the Future

Generative AI advances raise new questions around data ownership, 内容的完整性, 算法的偏见, 和更多的. 在这里, three experts at the forefront of NLP present recommendations for developing ethical generative AI solutions.



Madelyn is the Lead Editor of 工程 at Toptal and a former software engineer at Meta. She has more than six years of experience researching, 写作, and editing for engineering publications, specializing in emerging technologies and AI. She previously served as an editor at USC’s Viterbi School of 工程 and her research on engineering ethics was published at IEEE’s NER 2021 conference.

Computer Vision Pipeline Architecture: A Tutorial

建立一个简单的, reusable foundation for your video processing apps and alleviate the common challenges of video manipulation.



Nathan is a front-end 开发人员 and video processing expert. He developed Hypetrigger, an open-source computer vision tool for use with streaming services. Nathan also spent five years as a full-stack engineer at Motorola Solutions, 他在哪里和React一起工作, 角, 苗条的, 以及本地web组件, and led the development of the company’s internal design system.

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Tested Solutions: Working With React 设计 Patterns

设计 patterns offer a convenient way to tackle challenges with tried-and-tested solutions, 节省开发人员的时间和精力. 在这里’s how React design patterns allow for coherent modules with less coupling.

Mudassir Ijaz

Mudassir Ijaz

Mudassir is a full-stack software engineer specializing in JavaScript frameworks and libraries. He has built many React apps as a senior engineer and has worked across the globe at companies like SAP, 位, Kwanso, 和VoicePing.

在这种问我任何问题的风格中&A, leading Toptal AI 开发人员 若昂·迪奥戈·德·奥利维拉 fields questions from fellow engineers about resources for pivoting to ML, 大型语言模型的方法, and the most critical future applications of AI.



Joao is an AI 开发人员 with more than 10 years of experience at Fortune 100 companies like Procter & Gamble and startups in the healthcare, energy, and finance industries. Joao holds a master’s degree in computer science from the University of Porto and has multiple certifications in ML and deep learning.

Advantages of AI: Using GPT and Diffusion Models for Image Generation

Generative AI is taking the world by storm, with potentially profound impacts on the content we create. Learn the basics of AI image generation and produce sophisticated artistic renderings with this tutorial.



Juan是一名开发人员, 数据科学家, and doctoral researcher at the University of Buenos Aires where he studies social networks, AI, 和NLP. Juan has more than a decade of data science experience and has published papers at ML conferences including SPIRE and ICCS.

Ask an NLP Engineer: From GPT Models to the Ethics of AI

Want to expand your skills amid the current surge of revolutionary language models like GPT-4? 在这个问我任何问题风格的教程, Toptal 数据科学家 and AI engineer 丹尼尔·帕姆雷斯·卢比奥 fields questions from fellow programmers on a wide range of machine learning, 自然语言处理, 以及人工智能话题.



丹尼尔是一名数据科学家, 开发人员, and former CTO who has specialized in NLP for more than six years, most recently focusing on large language models (LLMs). His experience includes being a senior 数据科学家 at BASF and Daimler.

The Benefits of Formosa Crypto Wallet Management

Formosa enhances crypto wallet management by leveraging easy-to-remember, themed security sentences rather than traditional and disparate recovery keywords. Formosa is secure, intuitive, and efficient.



Yuri is a security engineer and the creator of the password format Formosa and SRVB, 非对称密码系统. An expert in the design and verification of protocols and cryptography, 他的背景涉及统计学, 物理, 和数学. Yuri has a master’s degree in computer science from Brazil’s Federal University of Santa Catarina.

Toptal 工程 专家


Gabriel is a highly efficient and reliable professional who possesses a broad skill set for web application development. He's been working on a range of products and clients—from working on scalability problems in production engineering teams at Shopify and Autodesk to launching new applications for startups. Most of his work consists of leading technical teams, by creating an easy development environment, 解决技术债务, providing best practices code examples, 指导开发者.





An 角 5 Tutorial: Step by Step Guide to Your First 角 5 App

By 谢尔盖Moiseev
Marko Mišura所言

The Comprehensive Guide to JavaScript 设计 Patterns

By Marko Mišura所言

在节点中创建安全REST API.js

By 马科斯·恩里克·达席尔瓦

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