Fawaz Ahmed, Developer in Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan
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Fawaz Ahmed

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan
Toptal Member Since
June 3, 2019

Fawaz是一位经验丰富的软件工程师和JavaScript爱好者,他痴迷于交付像素完美的作品, takes pride in his code, and loves developing algorithms. 他在React Native和React上开发了多个应用程序,特别强调可伸缩性和性能. Fawaz还喜欢在Stack Overflow上帮助开发者社区,他已经影响了450多个开发者,000 people with his posts.


Client (via Toptal)
Stripe, Firebase, React, style -components, saga, Redux, React Native
Creative Chaos
Styled-components, Sagas, Redux, React Native
Semantic UI, Reactstrap, Sagas, Redux, React




Preferred Environment

Git, Atom, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), MacOS, Linux

The most amazing...

...project I've developed was Litterati, a React Native app; it had offline features and could handle large amounts of data in an efficient manner.

Work Experience

Front-end Software Engineer (React/React Native)

2019 - PRESENT
Client (via Toptal)
  • 为订餐供应商开发了一个泳道体验,使用react beautiful dnd.
  • 集成的Stripe支付处理器使用Stripe Connect和Bancontact使用Stripe api.
  • Built an app using Firebase for authorization, a database, and image storage; also worked on firebase rules to make the application secure and have realtime updates via Firestore.
  • 开发了样式组件,使用Material-UI在整个应用程序中可重用.
  • 将《欧博体育app下载》整合到React-Native/iOS构建中,并自动将构建上传至Crashlytics测试版.
  • Implemented iOS certifications and profiles, using the Apple enterprise account; also configured certifications for push notifications.
  • Developed and set up push notifications for a React Native app.
技术:Stripe, Firebase, React, style -components, Sagas, Redux, React Native

Principal Software Engineer

2018 - 2019
Creative Chaos
  • 使用React Native为电子礼物平台开发社交墙.
  • Created a notification scheduler for a React Native app. 它还有一个日历视图,可以跳过日期,查看当天的通知.
  • Integrated Stripe into an eCommerce React-Native application.
  • 在React-Native应用中增加了一个功能,这样用户就可以在只使用wifi的情况下上传图片. 这对用户节省移动数据来说是一个重大的性能漏洞.
  • Built reusable components for a React Native application; these helped to create views with less effort and fewer bugs while maintaining a consistent UI across the app.
Technologies: Styled-components, Sagas, Redux, React Native

Front-end Developer

2016 - 2018
  • Built an assessment module for a React application. 这涉及到根据从用户那里收集的答案填写带有动态问题的问卷.
  • Created an assessment search module with many filters; these filers were applied simultaneously and also displayed tabular data to the user.
  • 在React上与PouchDB一起构建POC,以了解在web应用程序中利用它进行离线存储的可能性.
  • Modified a Cordova application for sorting the assessments in the correct order; also resolved some bugs around localization.
  • 协助团队中的初级开发人员解决与React相关的开发问题.
Technologies: Semantic UI, Reactstrap, Sagas, Redux, React

Software Developer

2016 - 2016
  • Modified a hybrid mobile app named Bitshares Wallet; it was made over React wrapped inside Cordova.
  • Created an API over Node.js to read QR codes; it was used for a cryptocurrency wallet.
  • 开发了一款名为Smartcoins(一种加密货币钱包)的安卓应用程序. The main features were QR code scanner/generator, sharing QR codes and transaction receipts, exporting receipts as PDF files, WebSockets-based communication with witness nodes, animations, crash handling, and communication failovers in case if any server went down.
  • Added a map control to another iOS app called TACT. 这款应用的目的是为电工或水管工订购维修服务. The map control had geofencing and address fetching features.
  • 创建了一个名为BlockPOS的iOS应用程序(一个用于加密货币的销售点应用程序). 这款应用的一些重要功能包括二维码生成, web service, memory management, animations, and auto layout.
Technologies: Swift, Java, Python, Express.js, Node.js, React

Litterati 2.5

Litterati 2.5 is a React Native app built to help make the earth cleaner. 该应用程序的主要功能是用户可以为垃圾拍照并发布. It has some great features like geotagging trash pictures, tagging pictures using machine learning and also manually, and running campaigns to collect trash and more. 这款应用已经在app Store和Play Store上线,拥有超过1万名用户.

技术:Redux, Redux-saga, Redux Offline, Facebook Authentication, CodePush


AgriPlace是一个React web应用程序,由农民和农作物认证机构使用.

技术:React, Fluxxor, Bootstrap, Lodash,几个JavaScript库

AgriPlace Trade Module

AgriPlace贸易模块是一个跨境贸易商使用的文件交易应用程序, helping keep their trade documents synchronized in one place.

Technologies: React, Redux, Redux-saga, Reactstrap


WillPort is an eGifting application built using React Native. 使用这款应用,朋友和家人可以互相发送和接收礼物. The app includes a range of features including OAuth, social sign-ups, location fetching, a news feed, push notifications, a Stripe integration, Redux, Redux-saga, React navigation, and many other libraries and packages.

FoodIQ | Food Delivery App

FoodIQ is a food-ordering platform built on React. 该平台有两个不同的门户:一个用于客户,一个用于供应商. 使用这个平台,客户可以下订单,供应商可以履行这些订单.

这个应用程序的独特之处在于,每个餐厅都有自己的空间,可以为用户提供以餐厅为中心的体验,并允许我们同时登陆许多餐厅. This was a part-time engagement with one of my Toptal's clients.

技术:React, Hooks, Firebase, Material-UI, React- beautiful - dnd

Toptal Node.js Accelerator

The Node.js Accelerator是一个专为JavaScript和Node后端开发人员提供培训的学习程序.js, ExpressJs, Nest.js, and TypeScript. This two-month program consists of rigorous learning exercises, live instructor-led sessions by SMEs, hands-on activities, a stringent evaluation process, comprehensive assessments, 以及一个增量项目,参与者使用Express实现几个微服务(REST api).js and Nest.js. 增量项目模拟由两个服务组成的电子商务应用程序.e., 使用用户管理实现身份验证的用户服务和提供管理库存功能的产品目录服务.


JavaScript, Python, Java, Swift, SQL, TypeScript


React Native, Redux, Express.js, NestJS


React, Redux-Saga, Node.js, Reactstrap, Stripe




Linux, Firebase, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), MacOS, Android, iOS


Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Realm, MySQL


Agile, Functional Programming, Declarative Programming


Sagas, Styled-components, Semantic UI

2010 - 2013

Master's Degree in Computer Architecture

NED University - Karachi, Pakistan

2006 - 2010

Bachelor's Degree in Electronics

NED University - Karachi, Pakistan


Toptal Node.js Accelerator Graduate

Toptal, LLC

Collaboration That Works

How to Work with Toptal



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