Marko Matić, Developer in Belgrade, Serbia
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Marko Matić

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Belgrade, Serbia
Toptal Member Since
July 22, 2019

Marko已经在软件工程领域工作了7年多. 他在JavaScript, c#, c++, Python, Java等编程语言方面拥有丰富的经验. Currently, he is mostly focused on working with MERN stack. On his current job, 他在栈的后端部分开发JavaScript api, DAOs, handling data security, and designing infrastructure on AWS. 在他的空闲时间,他喜欢玩mcu和树莓派.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)、PM2、Docker、Parse Server、MongoDB、Angular、React...
Ipnos Software
Java, Android, api,全栈,CSS, HTML,前端,REST api,后端,SQL...
Java, Android, Microsoft SQL Server, C#, ASP.NET, WebSockets, JavaScript...




Preferred Environment

Amazon Web Services (AWS)、Git、Visual Studio Code (VS Code)、Linux

The most amazing...

...thing I've coded was integration with IKEA SSO. For this, I only had large docs and no AD account to test with. Still, my code worked great on the first demo.

Work Experience

Senior Full-stack Engineer

2016 - 2022
  • Performed a complete migration from to EC2 hosted parse-server with zero downtime.
  • Created a blue-green release procedure on AWS. Added a Cloudfront caching to the system. Configured Glacier. Cleared unimportant S3 data. Secured S3 data by custom policies.
  • 创建了解析服务器的自定义构建,因此它的性能更好. Changed the way how afterSave triggers work, added the ability to mark users as disabled, and added support for Google, Live, and Facebook OAuth.
  • Optimized a MongoDB database. 创建了重要的索引,删除了不必要的数据,并设置了ACL和轮换密码.
  • Worked on front-end apps using React, Angular, and PHP.
  • Worked on REST APIs in Node.js and implemented using Express.
技术:亚马逊网络服务(AWS)、PM2、Docker、Parse Server、MongoDB、Angular、React、Node.js, WebSockets, JavaScript, Express.js, APIs, Full-stack, CSS, HTML, Architecture, MERN Stack, Mongoose, TypeScript, Front-end, REST APIs, Back-end, Webpack, Next.js, SQL, Vue, Team Leadership, GitHub, Management, CSS Grid

Android Developer (freelancer)

2016 - 2016
Ipnos Software
  • 创建了一个全新的UI,在旧设备上运行得更好.
  • 将常见的(Relax Melodies应用程序之间常见的)代码重新组织到库中.
  • Implemented Google Play Store support.
  • Implemented Baidu App Store support.
  • Integrated Fabric.
Technologies: Java, Android, api,全栈,CSS, HTML,前端,REST api,后端,SQL, GitHub, Go

Web Developer (freelancer)

2014 - 2016
  • 在有关用户和用户数据的网站的管理部分的功能工作.
  • Created the GreenMoney Android App (marketed in Australia only).
  • 贡献了网站UI,包括用户登录、注册和用户仪表板.
  • Worked on the REST API.
  • Designed, managed, and maintained the database.
Technologies: Java, Android, Microsoft SQL Server, C#, ASP.NET, WebSockets, JavaScript, Express.js, api, MySQL,全栈,CSS, HTML, PostgreSQL,前端,REST api,后端,SQL, Jira

Multimedia Streaming Developer

2012 - 2015
  • Worked on porting GStreamer for Android, 并创建了一个原型应用程序,以测试(那个时代)Android手机用于高清和全高清视频聊天的能力.
  • 在Java的REST服务器上工作,支持WebRTC视频通话协商.
  • 开发了一个支持Blackmagic Intensity视频采集卡作为网络摄像头的Chromium演示版本.
  • 创建DirectShow过滤器,使用Blackmagic SDK枚举和初始化视频捕获设备,以便Blackmagic强度视频捕获卡可以用作Skype的有效AV源, Chrome, etc.
  • 致力于用JavaScript创建一个WebRTC会议应用程序,后端使用Java.
Technologies: Android, GStreamer, WebRTC, C++, Java, JavaScript, APIs, CSS, HTML, PostgreSQL, Front-end, REST APIs, Back-end, SQL, Jira

Software Engineer

2009 - 2012
Solutis doo
  • 用c#创建了一个类似wowza的多媒体流媒体服务,记录来自IP摄像机的RTP流, and streamed them to clients using the standard RTSP/RTP stack. Service supported Transcoding, RTCP, and Onvif.
  • 创建了一个使用多个监视器的Windows窗体应用程序,允许同时观看64个视频流.
  • 创建了一个完整的员工签到系统,监控和计算员工的工作时间,具有多种功能. 例如,根据加班时间自动增加可用休假天数.
  • 创建了一个数据库集成服务,用于在本地设置员工登记服务. 它提供了一个简单的UI和一个Windows服务,该服务执行来自各种RDBS的客户端数据的集成.
  • 创建了一个DirectShow RTSP过滤器,将RTP数据从流媒体服务传输到Windows窗体应用程序.
Technologies: ONVIF, RTSP, H.264, DirectShow, Ext JS, Microsoft SQL Server, C#, ASP.NET, JavaScript, GitHub

Insidemaps Website and Back End Infrastructure
I worked on the whole stack, 但主要是在后端处理AWS上的基础设施设计, data security, REST APIs, and operator tools. On the front end, 我为许多客户端应用和内部使用的应用编写了很多Angular和React代码.
这是一家初创公司,他们的想法是通过网络浏览器和互联网连接,通过直接视频通话,直接向客户推销房产, 无需客户端安装Skype或登录到我们的网站. 我的工作是测试Android设备(当时)是否可以呈现可用的720p视频流. 我成功地使用了GStreamer, WebRTC等技术/库.

Employee Management Software "Webchrono"
I started working on the existing system for employee management, and later, 我带头从jQuery切换到更专业的ExtJS SDK. 我用c#实现了后端,用ExtJS完成了前端的核心开发. 该系统由RFID阅读器组成,该阅读器将身份证数据发送到HTTP服务器, that stored them in DB, and ExtJS WebApp that offered UX similar to a Windows desktop.

Video Surveillance System "Argus"
I developed this system from scratch in C#. 该系统由RTSP服务器(作为Windows服务运行)和Windows Forms桌面应用程序组成,该应用程序可以呈现多达64个RTP流. I also wrote all the required DirectShow filters in C++.

在GreenMoney,我作为自由开发者与其他几个开发者一起工作. 我的任务主要是修复c#后端的一些问题,以及修复Microsoft SQL数据库的问题. 我从事的一些更大的任务是为网站实现Android应用程序, 在网站的管理部分实现新功能, and database design and management.


我致力于开发一个Android应用程序模板,以便为平台的新客户端轻松创建Android应用程序. Android应用程序是一个简单的“网络包装器”,可以呈现网站并拦截登录等操作, sign out, subscribe, and replaced HTML views of the website with native Android layout.
2006 - 2010

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering

School of Electrical Engineering - Belgrade, Serbia


Node.js, React, REST APIs, Vue 2, Stripe API, WebRTC, Windows Forms (WinForms), DirectShow, Vue, Facebook API, Google Places API, Google Maps API, Selenium WebDriver


GitHub, Mocha, AWS SDK, Gulp, Webpack, Git, Amazon CloudWatch, AWS ELB, Android Studio, Mercurial, Mongoose, Jira, ONVIF, PM2, Babel


Express.js, Jest, Next.js, ASP.NET, Ext JS, GStreamer, Angular


JavaScript, SQL, Java, TypeScript, c#, HTML, CSS, Bash Script, Python, c++, Go




Parse Server, Amazon EC2, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Linux, Android, Docker


SQLite, Elasticsearch, PostgreSQL, Redis, MongoDB, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), JSON, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL


Back-end, RTSP, Web Server (IIS), Single Sign-on (SSO), Google SEO, WebSockets, APIs, Full-stack, Architecture, MERN Stack, Front-end, Team Leadership, H.264, CSS Grid

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