Matt Reynolds, Developer in Manchester, United Kingdom
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Matt Reynolds

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Full-stack Developer

Manchester, United Kingdom
Toptal Member Since
November 16, 2022

Matt是一位经验丰富的全栈软件工程师,拥有近10年的web开发经验, most recently with a successful eCommerce startup. He specializes in Next.js, React, and React Native web, mobile, and TV apps. Matt还曾与大型全球媒体公司合作,为SaaS应用程序开发api和数据库集成.


React, Next.js, TypeScript, Jest, Tailwind CSS, Websites, APIs, Git, Storybook...
Next.. js、React、netflix、App UI、网站、api、MongoDB、Git、Storybook、Figma...
FX Digital
React Native, NestJS, TypeScript, JavaScript, App UI, Websites, Git, Storybook...




Preferred Environment

MacOS, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Slack

The most amazing...

...application I've built was a TV app deployed on smart TV, Amazon, 以及用于在国际媒体贸易展上展示代理工作的苹果设备.

Work Experience

Software Engineer

2022 - PRESENT
  • Increased customer engagement and sign-up in US, UK, 作为一个致力于业务增长的小团队的一员.
  • 在实施网站初始和持续的SEO方面发挥了重要作用, including but not limited to SEO-friendly URL enhancements, sitewide canonical links and meta tags, global navigation enhancements, and breadcrumbs.
  • 为跨web产品使用的组件设计系统做出贡献,并将可共享资产和类型的包作为GitHub npm包发布.
  • Maintained and updated a Next.js网站是全球买家在主要电子商务平台上的主要入口.
  • 定期领导并参与产品设计会议,以完善和分析网站上的新功能和产品.
  • 研究和测试新系统,使用Algolia在网站上实现改进的搜索技术, Meilisearch, and Typesense.
  • Worked on an Agile team, releasing regular, 使用TDD原则对网站进行迭代更新,并参与其他开发人员的代码审查.
Technologies: React, Next.js, TypeScript, Jest, Tailwind CSS, Websites, APIs, Git, Storybook, Figma, User Interface (UI), Front-end, eCommerce, REST APIs, Front-end Architecture, Architecture, Responsive Web Design (RWD), User Experience (UX), Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Front-end Development, Full-stack, Solution Architecture, Server-side Rendering (SSR), React Hook Forms, Docker, PostgreSQL, Retool, Full-stack Development

Web Developer

2014 - PRESENT
  • Hosted, deployed, 并使用一套不断发展的工具和架构为小型企业维护网站, most recently using predominantly headless CMS coupled with a Next.js/React-based front-end deployed to Netlify or Vercel.
  • 使用Strapi和KeystoneJS实现CMS和后端客户规范的定制解决方案.
  • 通过结合设计最佳实践知识和函数式编程技能,为客户提供从头到尾的无缝开发体验.
  • 为房地产领域的各种客户开发了一个改进的现代WordPress网站工作流程, retail, and property development spaces.
Technologies: Next.. js、React、netflix、App UI、网站、api、MongoDB、Git、Storybook、Figma, Adobe Photoshop, User Interface (UI), Front-end, React Native, MUI (Material UI), Web Development, Responsive Web Design (RWD), User Experience (UX), Strapi, Tailwind CSS, Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Front-end Development, Full-stack, Solution Architecture, Single Sign-on (SSO), Google Sign-in, Server-side Rendering (SSR), React Hook Forms, PostgreSQL, Full-stack Development

Head of FX Academy

2021 - 2022
FX Digital
  • 为新的初级开发人员制定培训路径,以确保在项目团队中能力和角色的一致性.
  • 创建并维护公司网站,重构代码,定期处理bug.
  • 领导一个小开发团队,专注于制作视频流连接电视应用程序,作为国际贸易展览的演示工具.
Technologies: React Native, NestJS, TypeScript, JavaScript, App UI, Websites, Git, Storybook, Adobe Photoshop, User Interface (UI), Front-end, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Node.js, Responsive Web Design (RWD), User Experience (UX), HTML, Front-end Development, Full-stack, Full-stack Development

Software Engineer

2020 - 2021
FX Digital
  • Led a team on a high-profile, 皇家莎士比亚公司在疫情期间进行的一场虚拟戏剧表演的最后期限紧迫的项目.
  • 在React和Storybook中创建一个管理面板和相关的设计系统,供客户端和内部管理员使用.
  • 参与开发使用微服务和事件流数据库构建的SaaS视频流后端.
  • 领导一个小开发团队,专注于制作视频流连接电视应用程序,作为国际贸易展览的演示工具.
Technologies: React, React Native, TypeScript, NestJS, APIs, Responsive Web Design (RWD), User Experience (UX), JavaScript, HTML, Front-end Development, Full-stack, Server-side Rendering (SSR), Docker, Full-stack Development

Website and Customized CMS for a High-end Real Estate Agency
A Next.js网站设计和建立与顺风CSS和反应查询总部设在伦敦的超级房地产机构, deployed to Netlify. The front end pulls data from a CMS I created using Strapi, connected to a Postgres DB hosted at Railway. The client's data is stored on a property CRM, 因此,我构建了一个自定义的Strapi插件,以便在他们的CRM和网站后端之间手动同步数据,以避免第三方CRM强加的API费用. 与Google Maps API集成,为每个属性显示自定义样式的地图.

eCommerce Site for Global Startup
I was one of the leading front-end developers on a global, high-investment eCommerce website built using Next.在前端使用js和TypeScript,并在后端与REST api集成.
I was in charge of implementing new features, reviewing code from other developers, contributing to architectural decisions, and regular maintenance and improvement of the codebase.

Website for an International Finance Company
作为一个小型敏捷团队的主要前端开发人员,参与了为一家国际公司构建大型投资组合网站的任务. 该站点是使用根WordPress堆栈利用ACF开发的,并部署到测试中, staging, and production environments to sync with QA, stakeholders, and end users. 它结合了功能性和高度可重用的模板组件,使其具有模块化的感觉,并在页面中添加了强大的图形元素.

Brochure Site for a Global Medical Company
一个大型跨国医疗通讯公司的静态宣传册网站. 我是唯一一个在4周内完成一组pdf文件的开发者. 我使用了强烈的图像和微妙的互动元素来引导访问者通过网站,并突出了有关业务的关键因素.

一个由两部分组成的网站,为皇家莎士比亚剧团建立,以促进门票销售,并为他们的第一次互动虚拟演出《欧博体育app下载》提供入口. Finished during the pandemic to a tight deadline, 这是一个视觉上令人惊叹的作品,包括一个票务和信息网站以及一个单独的虚拟“大厅”网站. 交互式“萤火虫”和动画背景是使用Lottie文件创建的, adding a unique feel to the site.

我领导了一个由三个开发人员组成的团队,主要关注于可访问性, 结合功能,如高对比度模式和图像和动画删除视障用户.

Online Presence for a Small Retail Business

A Next.使用WordPress作为无头CMS,允许客户端轻松处理内容更新,为小型本地企业构建的网站. 我使用WordPress和ACF的组合来设计和构建网站,从WordPress API生成数据,由使用Next构建的前端使用.js, Tailwind CSS, and React Query.


JavaScript, HTML, CSS, TypeScript, Python, GraphQL, SQL


Next.js, Tailwind CSS, React Native, NestJS, Jest, MUI (Material UI)


React, REST APIs, Node.js


Git, Adobe Photoshop, Slack, Figma, Retool


Responsive Web Design (RWD), Web Architecture, Management


MacOS, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), netflix, Firebase, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Docker


App UI, Websites, Front-end, Web Development, Front-end Development, APIs, Storybook, User Interface (UI), eCommerce, Front-end Architecture, Architecture, Strapi, User Experience (UX), Full-stack, Solution Architecture, Server-side Rendering (SSR), React Hook Forms, Full-stack Development, Lottie, React Query, Plugins, Single Sign-on (SSO), Google Sign-in


MongoDB, PostgreSQL

1998 - 1999

Master's Degree in Marine Science

University of Bournemouth - Bournemouth, UK

1994 - 1997

Bachelor's Degree in Marine Science

University of Southampton - Southampton, UK