Minica Ionut Cristian, Developer in Bucharest, Romania
Minica is available for hire
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Minica Ionut Cristian

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Full-stack Web Developer

Bucharest, Romania
Toptal Member Since
June 8, 2020

Cristian是一名全栈web开发人员,拥有多年的构建美丽的经验, 满足或超过行业标准的高性能移动和web应用程序. 他对科技的热情促使他在不同领域创建了几个副业项目, including machine learning. 克里斯蒂安也天生好奇,愿意提出尖锐的问题, quickly making him an asset to any project.


Toptal Client
Node.js,后端,JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS,全栈,前端...
Toptal Client
JavaScript, Chrome扩展,React,前端架构,ECMAScript (ES6)...
Agile, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, React, Azure, Bootstrap, Bootstrap 4, SaaS...




Preferred Environment

Linux, MacOS, Windows, Google Docs, Slack, Postman, Terminal, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), MongoDB Atlas, GPT

The most amazing...

...project I've worked on was BytesRoute, which I developed from an idea and an MVP to a robust, full-scale application.

Work Experience

Senior Full-stack Developer

2023 - PRESENT
Toptal Client
  • Implemented sleek UI improvements based on user feedback.
  • 实现了生成式预训练变压器3 (GPT-3)系统,用于用户反馈和建议.
  • Managed back-end servers, database deployment, and DevOps.
Technologies: Node.js,后端,JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS,全栈,前端, Test-driven Development (TDD), React, Angular, Vue, Git, GPT, MEAN Stack, Full-stack Development

Web Automation and JavaScript Expert

2022 - 2023
Toptal Client
  • 在快节奏的创业环境中工作,不断沟通以改善用户体验.
  • 构建了一个声明性引擎,用于创建爬行和自动化中使用的食谱,000 websites.
  • 参与设计决策,编写文档,并使用Jira跟踪bug.
Technologies: JavaScript, Chrome扩展,React,前端架构,ECMAScript (ES6), Puppeteer, Selenium, Screen Scraping, Scraping, HTML5, Web Development, Software Design, Mobile First, Git

Senior Full-stack Developer

2021 - 2023
  • 创建了一个全面的React应用程序,具有响应式,干净的UI.
  • Used Node.js, Express.js和MongoDB开发一个高性能且易于扩展的REST API后端.
  • 在一个快节奏的环境中领导团队并管理运营,这需要由有价值的用户反馈驱动的快速迭代.
  • 在生产中使用AI模型进行验证和灵感,亵渎检测和姿势检测.
Technologies: Agile, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, React, Azure, Bootstrap, Bootstrap 4, SaaS, Software Design, Mobile First, GPT, OpenAI GPT-3 API, OpenAI GPT-4 API, Git, Hugging Face, Full-stack Development

Senior Full-stack Developer

2021 - 2022
  • 开发了一个系统,从文本输入中提取定性信息,并回答问题或总结信息.
  • 创建了一个检索和转录音频和视频调查的系统.
  • 建立了一个管理系统来创建和管理音频或视频调查.
  • 开发了一个处理用户身份验证的React web应用程序, profile panels, and survey submission.
技术:Agile, Amazon EC2, OpenAI GPT-3 API, Git, GPT, hugs Face, Full-stack Development

Chrome/Browser Extension Developer

2021 - 2021
Toptal Client
  • 评估客户需求,并根据技术和预算限制帮助确定开发计划.
  • 根据我们制定的计划和客户的反馈执行项目.
  • 提供全面的报告和性能或可用性建议.
Technologies: Chrome Extensions, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Browser Plugins, Safari Extensions, Firefox Extensions, HTML5, Architecture, Software Architecture, Agile, Web Development, Front-end, MERN Stack, Software Design, Git

Freelance Senior Chrome Extension Developer

2021 - 2021
US Services Company
  • 为扩展弹出和页面内表示创建UI/UX.
  • 集成为客户端的自定义搜索引擎在Chrome扩展.
  • 在Chrome Web Store中部署打包系统.
Technologies: Chrome Extensions, Web Extensions, CSS, JavaScript, REST, WordPress, PostgreSQL, ECMAScript (ES6), Front-end Architecture, OpenAI GPT-3 API, ChatGPT, Docker, APIs, API Gateways, MySQL, API Integration, HTML5, REST APIs, Software Architecture, SQL, DevOps, React, Node.js, Twilio API, Twilio, Back-end, Web Development, Front-end, Back-end Architecture, MERN Stack, SaaS, Software Design, Amazon EC2, Git

Freelance Senior Full-stack Developer

2020 - 2021
Global Fertilizer Company
  • 使用React和GraphQL为一个帮助农民管理的SaaS应用程序开发前端功能, monitor via satellites, and make better decisions about their crops.
  • Worked on GraphQL and Nest.js microservices backed by a PostgreSQL database.
  • Handled billing, subscription, and payments via Zuora.
Technologies: YARN, Responsive UI, Responsive Design, Slack, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), RESTful Microservices, Authentication, JSON, HTML, API Gateways, Jest, TypeScript, Git, NPM, Express.js, Node.js, JavaScript, Full-stack, Microservices, Zuora, Design Systems, UX Design, NestJS, GraphQL, React, REST, ECMAScript (ES6), Front-end Architecture, APIs, HTML5, REST APIs, Back-end, Web Development, Front-end, Next.js, Back-end Development, Back-end Architecture, MERN Stack, Software Design, Mobile First, Full-stack Development

Full-stack Developer (Node.js, Vue.js, MongoDB)

2019 - 2021
  • Set up servers in Node.js and MongoDB on DigitalOcean.
  • Created a RESTful API in Node.js with proper JWT authentication mechanism.
  • Created a Vue.js single-page application with Bootstrap.
Technologies: Visual Studio Code (VS Code), JSON, HTML, Responsive UI, Responsive Design, Responsive Layout, Git, PWA, Progressive Web Applications (PWA), Vue, Full-stack, CSS, Mongoose, Ubuntu, Vue 2, NPM, Express.js, JavaScript, Node.js, MongoDB, REST, ECMAScript (ES6), Front-end Architecture, Firebase, APIs, API Integration, HTML5, REST APIs, Architecture, Software Architecture, DevOps, Twilio API, Twilio, Back-end, Web Development, Front-end, Back-end Development, Back-end Architecture, Bootstrap 4, SaaS, Software Design, Mobile First, Full-stack Development

Technical Lead (AWS, MongoDB, Node.js, Vue.js)

2015 - 2021
  • 从零开始开发了一个叫Bytes Route的登机服务. 它有两个部分:一个单页web应用程序和一个Chrome扩展.
  • 领导了一个涉及Advancedinstaller UI改造的项目.com(based on XML and XSLT).
  • Contributed, oversaw launch processes, 并为多个面向用户和管理web应用程序管理生产服务, including
  • 监督网络开发团队的创建、培训、管理和指导.
  • 为公司内部相关人员提供有关网络开发的技术知识.
  • 建立一个包含三个MongoDB集群和一个RabbitMQ集群的处理管道,可以处理数十亿个数据点.
Technologies: Microservices, Slack, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), JSON, HTML, Responsive UI, Responsive Design, Responsive Layout, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Git, Progressive Web Applications (PWA), PWA, Web Scraping, Data Scraping, React, Data Processing, RabbitMQ, Chai, Jest, Mocha, CSS, Mongoose, RESTful Microservices, PHP, Ubuntu, Vue 2, NPM, Express.js, JavaScript, TypeScript, API Gateways, Full-stack, AngularJS, Email Authentication, Authentication, MongoDB, Chrome Extensions, XSLT, Ant Design, Vue, Bootstrap, Node.js, REST, TensorFlow, ECMAScript (ES6), Puppeteer, Front-end Architecture, APIs, MySQL, API Integration, HTML5, REST APIs, Architecture, Software Architecture, Unit Testing, Agile, DevOps, CI/CD Pipelines, Twilio API, Twilio, Back-end, Web Development, Front-end, Back-end Development, Back-end Architecture, MERN Stack, MEAN Stack, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Bootstrap 4, MVC Frameworks, XPath, SaaS, Software Design, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Mobile First, JavaScript Testing, Jira, Amazon EC2, Amazon RDS, Full-stack Development

Freelance Senior Chrome Extension Developer

2020 - 2020
US Global Analytics Company
  • 开发了一个复杂的Chrome扩展,帮助人们创建一个配置文件, share data from various sources like Netflix, Amazon, and Spotify, and get paid for it.
  • 为多个数据源构建抓取器,包括Spotify、Amazon和Netflix的历史记录.
  • Constructed a beautiful interface using React and Bulma.
  • 使用自托管的MongoDB和Node创建和管理AWS服务器.js/Express.js.
Technologies: Visual Studio Code (VS Code), JSON, HTML, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Git, Web Scraping, Data Scraping, CSS, Mongoose, Ubuntu, NPM, Express.js, JavaScript,全栈,电子邮件认证,认证,SCSS, Bulma, Node.js, MongoDB, React, Chrome Extensions, REST, ECMAScript (ES6), Front-end Architecture, API Gateways, API Integration, HTML5, REST APIs, Architecture, Software Architecture, Agile, DevOps, Back-end, Web Development, Front-end, MERN Stack, Bootstrap 4, Software Design

Game Engine Developer

2013 - 2014
  • 为现代Windows平台移植了一个用c++编写的3D游戏引擎.
  • 在基于python的Django中创建了一个打包和签名服务器应用程序,以简化游戏的构建和测试.
  • 监督Windows 8和Windows Phone 8应用商店的发布过程.
Technologies: Visual Studio Code (VS Code), JSON, HTML, Git, Full-stack, CSS, Django, Python, C++, Windows API, MySQL, Software Architecture, SQL, Agile, Back-end, Web Development, Back-end Development, MVC Frameworks, Jira

Bytes Route
Bytes Route is a service that improves user onboarding. 我负责技术部分,以及团队的建设、培训和管理. 其价值主张是无需编写任何代码即可创建用户入门之旅.

Advanced Installer Website
高级安装程序的演示和文档网站. It has millions of users, 我负责旧网站的UI改造和现代化. 我对维护旧的代码库、性能和SEO有严格的要求. 我还必须使网站响应并应用新的布局和样式. We ended up using a new build system.

Installer Analytics
A SaaS analytics service for Windows installers. I worked on new report generation, analytics, presentation, and UI improvements for the front end along with DevOps, database administration, and RESTful microservices on the back-end side.


A mobile app for checklists. 它允许用户生成可重用的检查表模板, upload or download checklist templates from the gallery, view analytics, and embed a checklist widget in a web page.

MERN Stack移动和web应用程序,为公司建立,以帮助降低压力,提高生产力和员工的整体福祉. 我使用React和Bootstrap开发前端,使用Node开发后端.js, Express.js, and Mongo and hosted it on Azure.


JavaScript, HTML, CSS, ECMAScript (ES6), HTML5, TypeScript, GraphQL, SQL, Sass, XPath, Python, C++, PHP, C#, Java, Swift, XSLT, SCSS


Bootstrap, Express.js, AngularJS, Jest, NestJS, Next.js、Laravel、Angular、Django、Ant Design、Bulma、YARN、Ruby on Rails (RoR)、Selenium


Node.js, Vue, React, Vue 2, REST APIs, jQuery, Chai, NumPy, Scikit-learn, Pandas, TensorFlow, Puppeteer, Windows API, Keras, PyTorch, Twilio API


NPM, Git, Mongoose, Mocha, RabbitMQ, JavaScript Testing, Terminal, Postman, Slack, Google Docs, Robo 3T (Robomongo), Figma, Jira, MongoDB Atlas


Responsive Layout, REST, Back-end Architecture, Test-driven Development (TDD), Unit Testing, Agile, DevOps, MEAN Stack, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), UX Design, Microservices, RESTful Development


JSON, MongoDB, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), PostgreSQL, MySQL, Azure Blobs


Chrome Extensions, APIs, Full-stack, API Gateways, Data Scraping, Data Processing, Responsive Design, Responsive UI, Front-end Architecture, API Integration, Architecture, Software Architecture, Back-end, Web Development, Front-end, Back-end Development, MERN Stack, Bootstrap 4, MVC Frameworks, SaaS, Software Design, Dashboards, Reports, Mobile First, Software Development, Full-stack Development, RESTful Microservices, Robotic Process Automation (RPA), UiPath, Authentication, Email Authentication, PWA, Progressive Web Applications (PWA), Web Scraping, Screen Scraping, Scraping, OpenAI GPT-3 API, ChatGPT, CI/CD Pipelines, Data Visualization, GPT-4, OpenAI GPT-4 API, Payment APIs, Mobile Apps, Machine Learning, Design Systems, Zuora, Web Extensions, Web Security, Web App Security, RESTful Services, Chatbots, Browser Plugins, Safari Extensions, Firefox Extensions, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Leadership, Push Notifications, WebSockets, Amazon RDS, Hugging Face, GPT


Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon EC2, Android, iOS, Firefox, Windows, MacOS, Linux, Unix, Ubuntu, WordPress, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Firebase, Docker, Twilio, Azure

Industry Expertise


2014 - 2016

Master's Degree in Software Engineering


2010 - 2014




PyTorch Essential Training: Deep Learning



Building RESTful APIs with Node.js and Express.js



Programming Foundations: Web Security



UiPath RPA Developer



Machine Learning

Stanford Online University